So, I am reading this book "Lady in Waiting," and I would love to share some quotes from this book. For all you women out there, YELL amen out loud if you think these are COMPLETELY true. No matter who is listening. People may think your crazy, who cares? You are crazy.
"Daily, throughout the world, women's hearts are broken because they allow their emotions to run ahead of their commitments. As a result, they end up emotional cripples, angry at the men who failed to live up to their emotional fantasies."
"At a girls night out, a single woman shared how she used to resent spiritual monitoring from her mom in relation to her fantasies. She used to dread her mother's calm and reserved response to her dramatic presentation of the date she had with the man of her dreams. Her mom, a vivacious woman, seemed so restrained and even a little cynical when responding to her daughters "bubbly babbling" about Mr. Right. How could such an outgoing, positivie, and uplifting mom be so reserved when responding to the dreamy-eyed chatter about the arrival of the man worth waiting for? Did her mom have information of which the daughter was unaware? Had she hired a detective to follow the man of her daughter's dreams and find incriminating information? Of course not! This mom was extremely wise in monitoring her own response so her daughter would not get excited and distracted by a prospect who might never become a reality."
- this sounds exactly like my mom.. thank you mom for always letting me know about your red flags, and your discomforts when meeting my guy friends, or the boyfriends I have had. You are THE BOMB . COM.
"Unmonitored chatting can lead to major defrauding" - heck yes.
"Not that I speak from want; for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." (Phil 4:11-13)
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